Cybera installation guide

Install & set up Cybera Server

Install Cybera Server

Run the provided Windows Installer for Cybera server (cybera-server_1.9.exe). Follow the simple installer steps untill the program installation is finished.

This must be run by an administrator as Cybera has to be installed system wide for all users of the computer.

Binary Windows installers of Cybera are available from Cybera's sourceforge project web page.

Switch Windows user and start Cybera Server

Before starting Cybera Server, you should :

  1. logout of windows as administrator

  2. login to windows using the manager account

When Cybera Server is started for the first time a simple configuration wizard is run to help you set up the basic and vital aspects of Cybera.

Cybera Server configuration wizard
Welcome screen
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Welcome
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Welcome

Click Next > to start the wizard

Configure Workstations
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Workstation number & policy
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Workstation number & policy

In this step you must specify the number of workstations (server excluded) present in your Cybera café.

Either type in the number or use the up/down Up/Down picker picker. Cybera Server is limited to 50 workstations by default.

The second option in this step (Modify user rights on workstation startup) is to allow or forbid Cybera Server to attempt to lock down the user rights of all workstations that connect to it. It is STRONGLY recomended to leave this options checked unless you are going to control user rights on the workstations by other means (Microsoft Active Directory for example).

User rights lockdown can only work if you have folowed the guidelines for setting up your computers.

Click Next > to continue

Define the default Recharge
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Delault Recharge
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Delault Recharge

In Cybera all customer usage control and billing is based on recharges.

In this step you need to define at least one recharge in order for Cybera to work.

A recharge cannot have a null (zero) time, The Wizard cannot be competed untill at least one non null recharge is created.

Notes :

  • Times in Cybera are noted in hh:mm:ss format (hours:minutes:seconds) notation
  • Recharge Validity can be given in hours, days, weeks months or years. It is not possible to make recharges with a null validity, the minimum is 1 hour.
  • The label is usefull to describe recharges in a formal way that the server operator can understand easily.

Define a recharge and click Next > to continue

Define the administrator's password
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Administrator password
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Administrator password

In cybera all system options and activities are protected by this password. It is essential that in a production system this password be set. Should this password be unset, customers would be able to deactivate Cybera Workstation, and anybody who had access to the server could modify Cybera's settings.

Set the administrator's password and click Next > to continue

Define a Cybera user
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Cybera user
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Cybera user

Cyber cafés often have many different employees. In Cybera server it is possible to define Cybera users that are Cybera Server operators. It is possible (but not mandatory) to define one as part of the Configuration Wizard. Cybera users can be given more or less user rights on the server and all customer sessions and financial transactions that occur under their shift are stamped with their login.

Define a user and click Next > to continue

Finished !
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Finish screen
Cybera Server Configuration Wizard - Finish screen

The Cybera Server Configuration Wizard is now finished.

Click Finish to continue. This will write all the new settings to disk and start Cybera Server with your new configuration.

The Configuration Wizard only exposes the basic and vital aspects of Cybera's configuration options. The Server Options contain many more configurable aspects of Cybera.

© 2006 Samuel Monsarrat